Our latest texture pack is finished and this time it is the fantastic Saab J-21 that has received our attention. Ronnie has painted 9 stunning and historically accurate textures from the 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and 15th wing. The whole thing is ready to unpack and go fly. Do not miss out on this beauty, download it today.

Quicklink: Fighterplanes
Dash-8 Q300 Coast Guard 2009-09-10
Marcel Gisel has put together a really nice pack of the Swedish Coast Guards Dash-8. Three paintings are included and a really nice panel.

Quicklink: Coast Guard
Daimler-Benz DB605 sound 2009-08-09
I have just uploaded the DB605 sound V2 by Lawdog, after getting the permission to offer his great sound on my site. Download link can be found at the page where you download the J-21 fighter. Thank you Lawdog!
SAAB J-21 2009-08-08
It´s time to present the latest lady. A wholly fresh SAAB J -21 for FSX. It´s the same author to this one as the ancient model, namely Tim Piglet Conrad. This plane has even cannon effect on the smoke button. More lovely textures will most surtainly be painted and uploaded in the future. The plane uses the default DC-3 sound. Sounds okej but not quite right. One good DB605 sound can be found on SOH.

Quicklink: Fighters
TP 83 Pembroke UPDATED 2009-07-15
Lars Fors has been busy with his latest panel for the Pembroke. This version is built according to Pembrokes pilot manual. New cfg and air-file comes with this Pembrokepack aswell.

Quicklink: Transport aircraft
Project FLYGVAPNET 2009-07-01
Well, the time has finaly come to release the largest project of the year. Steven Ridgell, Lars Fors and my self has beenworking on this project the past 6 months. Steven and Lars has been the frequend authors and testers while I have tried it from time to time and helped them with documentation.
Now this project is really cool. First of all a fantastic cockpit. Lightyears from the previous version found on this website. Allmost every if not every system works as in real life. This means that it´s not recomended to just jump into the seat and think it´s time for take off. You have to read the documentation first. About 40 afcads has been produced covering almost all roadbases and warfields in sweden. We have produceed a set of edit voice pack files to get the correct swedish callsigns, like Martin 04 or Gustav 56 and so on. Furthermore, the creation of AI traffik with Air Force aircraft, SK61, SK60, J35, Aj37, S100, TP84 and others. The Squadrons used in this package has recived a small icon on the homepage so you can easily find and download the right scenery.

Quicklink: Flygvapnet Project
F 17 Ronneby UPDATED 2009-06-10
We got an absolutely new version of the Ronneby scenery from Peter Robertsson. It´s a much corrected AfCad file for the F17 Airforce base.
Quicklink: Swedish airports
TP 3 Dragon Rapide UPDATED 2009-05-23
A totally new set of repaints in high quality has been produced in the last couple of days. The TP 3 pack now contains no less than four textures and markings. In other words all the markings the plane had during it´s time in the Swedish airforce. The plane has been tested in both FS9 and FSX, and it works perfect in both. Enjoy.

Quicklink: Transport aircraft
TP 4 Beech 18 UPDATED 2009-05-09
I have finaly found the correct version of Beech 18 used in sweden, the float version instead of the amfibie. But sins the floatversion only comes in a carco version and not a passenger version, I have included the amfibious version to so we still can enjoy Ronnys amasing pax-repaint with the old swedish king on the wall.

Qicklink: Transport aircraft
TP 85 Sud Aviation Caravelle 2009-05-03
Well, it´s time for an other upload, and this time it´s the Caravelle thats in the spotlight. We´ve seen TP 85 several time befor on this site, but this time it the AFG Caravelle in a allmost photolike texture from the airforce. It can´t get any better than this. A great thanks to the painter Jens-Ole and Esa at AFG for letting me upload this complete pack. The panel is the latest version with all the fixes, and the possibility to start in a "cold start" or "ready to go" panel. Now head over to the hanger and download this lady.

Quicklink: Transport aircraft
Flight Instructor 2009-04-22
It´s all happy faces here at rbdesign today since I passed my checkride for my Flight Instructor rating yesterday on April 21st. Cheers my fellow pilots ! ! !
Flight theory 2009-04-14
Today yet another page is opened. This time it is a page for
practice and dusting off your knowledge about the theory of flying. In this page helps and hints will be presented.
Test your flight theory knowledge today nad see if you have to go back to the books before the summers flying starts.
Also the flight weather page has had a look-over and been updated with links and a couple of good pages to facilitate flight planning.
Quicklink: Flight theory
RB Design in English 2009-04-13
Today we opened the homepage in Enlish. As one out of five visitors are from other countries than Sweden, it a natural development.
The translation of the pages from Swedish to English will be done in due time when not interfering with other projects.
ESNX Arvidjaur UPDATED 2009-04-12
An update for FS9 of Arvidsjaur has been made by Ubbe.
The runway is now 2500 meters, TWY B is addeed, the apron has been extended, navaids (ILS,DME) for runway 12 and the perimeter service roads was added.

Quicklink: Swedish airports
Cierva C.30A Autogiro 2009-04-02
During the WWII several civil aircrafts was conscripted for military purposes. Among others was a Autogyro, owned by Rolf Von Bahr. This machine was frequently used for surviellance, looking for drifting naval mines, missing fishing vessels and ice survey among other duties.When the Swedish Navy Submarine "ULVEN" was sunk by a mine, 15th of April 1943, Von Bahr was engaged in the search operation to find the missin submarine. The experienses from these operations later made the Swedish Navy to evaluate the use of helicopters. Download this piece of Swedish flying history and fly some surveillance assignements. Ronny has made the livery of Von Bahrs autogyro and the panel is made by Lars. Enjoy.

Quicklink: Testplanes
HKP 15 Agusta 109 2009-03-30
Here is a brand new livery for HKP 15. Made by myself and campared with the old texture, this one has sharp lines and not as dull colours. I also gave the panel a look-over and adjusted the view to be correct from start up. No Shift-Return needed any more.
The Heli-page also have a link for down loading a much better Heli sound. Download and fly in the springsunlight.

Quicklink: HKP
ESOW Vaesteras UPDATED 2009-03-21
Update of the Vasteras scenery. The change this time is deviding the scenery into two folders, fixing a problem with memory dumps, caused by a file.
Quicklink: Swedish airports
HKP 1 Vertol 44 FSX 2009-03-15
A really fine helicopter for FSX is uploaded! Ronny has made no less than four rally super textures for this HKP 1.
If you are using FSX, do not miss out on this beauty.
Remember to put the files and folders in Simobjects/Rotorcraft, as it is a Helicopter.

Quicklink: HKP
HKP 3 M90 2009-03-13
Bjorn Evans has made this really fine M90 livery for the HKP 3.
The textures download also containing a new cfg-file to facilitate
the installation.

Quicklink: HKP
Tingsryd 2009-02-23
Erik Bjornwall has released this unbelivible beautiful scenery for FSX. It is the Tingsryd airfield he has made. Regrettably the airfield is closed down and are used by the model flying club.
However, if you are using FSX, the field is still open, just for you!
Downlod straight the way and do some air club flying in Tingsryd.

Quicklink: Swedish airports
Vaesteras photoscenery UPDATED 2009-02-16
The latest version of Vasteras Photo scenery is now uploaded to the homepage. All earlier updates are now compiled into the mainpackage and the grassrunway have nice marking cones. Even earlier than the real field, they still have to choose their marking cones. Furthermore, several of the houses has been adjusted to correct sizes and the clubhouse is completely rebuilt.
Again, Bjorn from Swedeflight has been kind to assist.
Download this excelent package and enjoy the detailed ESOW and the town. Remember to delete the old istallation before installing this update .

Quicklink: Swedish airports
ESTT 2009-02-13
Today I have uploaded this beauty by Erik Bjornwall.
Don´t miss pearl in the landscape!
Download and enjoy today.
Quicklink: Swedish airports
Swedish Design Team 2009-02-09
Upload of Swedish Airports continue: I have now the permission to upload SDT Erik Bjornwalls unbelively airport scenerys.
Brand new FSX versions vill also be available.

SWEDFLIGHT 2009-02-08
I just got the permission from the follows at Swedflight to upload their really nice freeware airfields to my collection of Swedish Airports.
A BIG THANK YOU VERY MUCH goes to Bjorn, Bosse and Johnny at Swedflight .

TP 1 Junkers F13 UPDATED 2009-02-03
The Junkers F13 file is now updated with a collection of gau-files forgotten in the first upload. Everything needed is now included in the package.
Quicklink: Transport aircraft
Vaesteras photoscenery UPDATED 2009-01-29
Chich has now made an update of the beautiful scenery of Vasteras again.
This time, with the help of Johnny Andersson and Bjorn Harlin at
Swedflight, to place wig-wag lams on the taxiways.
A very real and nice effect.
If you haven´t downloaded this pearl yet, do it now.
Quicklink: Wings
J26 Mustang Gul Kalle 2009-01-22
Chico, the enthusiast behind the Vasteras scenery, is a multitalanted fellow. When they did have a Mustang in the old CVV hangar at Vasteras, he took the opportunity to take photos of the cockpit and record the engine sound. And with his professional skills as a sound technician at Swedish Radio, he has made a really fidelity Mustang sound.
The panel has photo views in all directions.
Don´t miss this, download today.

Quicklink: Museum